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Annotated Bibliography

Zoe Chen Zhao 

Gadgil, Adit & Moy, Christine. "Opportunities in the metaverse".

ONYX by J.P. Morgan. Accessed on April 5, 2022.

This is a metaverse market report by J.P.Morgan that talks about how companies can navigate in metaverse. It gives  general information on what metaverse is and provides data on the whole economy. This document has a section focus specifically on work in the metaverse which is very related to our project. Besides, it also talk about the importance of development in hardware to support the longevity of metaverse. 


Koulieris, George Alex, Kaan Akşit, Michael Stengel, Rafał K. Mantiuk, Katerina Mania, and Christian Richardt. "Near-eye display and tracking technologies for virtual and augmented reality." In Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 493-519. 2019.

This is a very technical paper that explains how VR/AR work. The paper talks about a lot of display engineering and tracking systems that can be used for visual reality and their latest advancement. It also gives explanation on how near-eye display work. This paper help us building our technical diagram, as well as previous CCT project on VR. ( 

LearnHub, Andrej Kovačević. "How Does Virtual Reality (VR) Technology Work?".

Accessed May 1, 2022

This article explains in detail some of the most important technical components of VR technology. The author talks about how they work, what makes them work, and where the technology might go next. Key technologies/aspects explained in the article are: Field of view, Frame rate, Sound effects, and Head and position tracking.

Qi Yuan: 

Person, & Roh, J. (2021, September 8). Factbox: What is the 'metaverse' and how does it work? Reuters.

Retrieved April 5, 2022

In this article, the key point talked about “What is  the metaverse and how does it work?” First of all the article gives us overall information about Metaverse, introducing the blockchain and the Non-Fungible Token. Secondly, the author also talks about 2 distinct types of platforms,The first centers around building a blockchain-based metaverse, using NFTs and cryptocurrencies; The second group uses the metaverse to refer to virtual worlds more generally, where people can meet up for business or recreation. (Facebook). Third, the article talks about the business value and the future of the metaverse. Which gives us an overview that metaverse has a great future in the technology industry.

CoinMarketCap, A. (2021, November 24). What is the metaverse - an overview and a deep dive into the top metaverses: CoinMarketCap. CoinMarketCap Alexandria. Retrieved April 5, 2022,

In this article, the author covers almost everything related to the metaverse. In the first part of the article, the author focuses on the introduction and the properties of the metaverse, which are Infinite, Synchronous, a thriving economy and interoperable. Secondly, the author introduces it using many products that use the concept of the metaverse in reality, such as Decentraland, Bloktopia, Sandbox, Star Atlas and Radio Caca. Finally, the author looks forward to the future of the Metaverse, mentions Meta's investment and R&D in the Metaverse, and believes that the Metaverse is a world with infinite potential.

Enterprise metaverse services & solutions. Accenture. (n.d.).

This link is not an article, but an official website of Accenture. Interestingly, Accenture has incorporated the Metaverse into their business model and has provided Metaverse marketing solutions to many clients. I think it's worth paying attention to how Accenture is innovating on the metaverse. This helps us better understand the functioning of the metaverse. The website provides many Accenture cases that provide applicable patterns for the concept of the Metaverse. In the end, what attracted me the most was that Accenture built a metaverse project in-house called: Accenture Nth Floor. The project creates a virtual work environment modeled by Accenture, and all employees can restore the real work environment by building their own Avatar. I think this fits nicely with our topic - the "Metaverse as a Virtual Workspace". 

Luis Castillo: 

Long, K. (2022). BANKS' EXPERIMENTS IN THE METAVERSE. The Banker, 20.

This article speaks on the different opportunities that the metaverse brings to the working world. The author hones in on the different ways that the financial sector can get involved and highlights how the early investors of the technology are prime candidates for working with as data shows that those individuals have a higher amount of disposable income.  Blockchain technology is covered, payments between multiple parties, and the need for regulatory clarify for business in the metaverse to exist. 

MacLellan, L. (2022). Three ways the metaverse could change future of work. New York: Quartz Media, Inc.

This article is very interesting in that it explains what the Metaverse is, and how it can be used as an alternate office, a workplace training center, and an employee lounge. It helps level set the current capabilities of metaverse as well as provide some thought-provoking ideas on what it can be.

Uberti, D. (2022). Come the metaverse, can privacy exist? in immersive worlds, new technologies will siphon up data at an increasingly granular level—a person's gait, eye movements, emotions and more—putting far greater strain on existing safeguards. WSJ Pro.Cyber Security, Retrieved from


This article was rather insightful as it helped bridge the understanding of why privacy is such a drawback for the adoption of this technology. The fact that the software is able to gather information such as the way you’re gazing and pupil dilation amongst much more to be able to deduce users’ traits is what brought us to the conclusion that in order for employers to adopt the metaverse, it must be tailored for their needs with all privacy considerations addressed.

Huseyn Panahov 

Ravenscraft, Eric (2021, Nov 25). What Is the Metaverse, Exactly? Wired 


A very insightful article that seeks answer to basic question of what metaverse is, and addresses some of the popular misconceptions about metaverse. As we know, despite its rising popularity metaverse remains an elusive concept for clear definition. As the author writes: “to hear tech CEOs like Mark Zuckerberg or Satya Nadella talk about it, the metaverse is the future of the internet. Or it's a video game. Or maybe it's a deeply uncomfortable, worse version of Zoom? It's hard to say.” 


International Labor Organization (2022, Jan 17). “World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2022”


Our main research is about the potential implications of metaverse and VR glasses on the future of remote work. This flagship report by the International Labor Organization titled “World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2022,” was helpful in understanding the latest trends in workforce culture. The report confirmed our general assumption that more and more employers around the world are switching to hybrid or completely remote work conditions. The authors remark that “against a backdrop of the pandemic-induced waxing and waning of different sectors, the crisis is changing not only the kind of work that exists but also where and how work is performed.”


Veiga, Alex (2007, Feb 25). Second Life an online first for many companies. NBC News 


This news article is from 2007 and it was very valuable for our research because it showed that even 15 years ago private sector was already experimenting to offer services and products on metaverse. This article in particular speaks about popular car brand Toyota creating a presence in Second Life, which is the first popular metaverse from historical perspective. At the time Second Life had 3 million registered users and about 1.3 millions active visitors every month.

To make it easy for their users to navigate through the platform, Second Life offered free tutorials: “Second Life, however, comes with a built-in interface to transform geometric shapes into just about anything, and users can take classes within the realm or use tutorials to beef up their object-building skills.”

White, Lewis (2022, Jan 14). Second Life creator on Metaverses: ‘Virtual Worlds don’t need to be dystopias.’ Stealth Optional


This resource was recommended to us by Prof Barba. It was very helpful to understand how approaches to privacy has evolved over time. This quote particularly stood out:

“No one has come close to building a virtual world like second life,” Rosedale said. “Big tech giving away vr headsets and building a metaverse on their ad-driven, behavior-modification platforms isn’t going to create a magical, single digital utopia for everyone. second life has managed to create both a positive, enriching experience for its residents — with room for millions more to join — and built a thriving subscription-based business at the same time. virtual worlds don’t need to be dystopias.”

This web-site is part of a group project for CCT 506: Fundamentals of Technology.

For any questions, please, refer to the About page where you can find contact information of all four project group members. 

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