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VR Goggles

The Metaverse

As a Sociotechnical System for Virtual Workspace

We work hard to make a change in the world. How about changing the way we work? Some of us might be nostalgic about the pre-Covid-19 office culture, but we all realize that remote work has its own advantages.  While we miss the people we work with, hybrid and remote work is likely to stay for the long-term. Remote work means the flexibility to work from anywhere, but that flexibility  also presents unique challenges, such as zoom fatigue, or difficulty concentrating in a distracting home environment. Consequently, we need better technologies to work and collaborate — technologies that improve productivity, and help us enjoy the connection with our colleagues, without losing the flexibility that remote work offers. This is where the metaverse comes in, as it presents tremendous opportunities to improve the conditions of the remote work environment. Metaverse opens new frontiers in technological advancement, which takes us beyond the limitations of today's more mainstream technologies such as smartphones and laptops. 


Years from now, the metaverse will fundamentally change the way we work, and the way we get things done in our personal lives. Today, we're already seeing that future with VR technologies like the Quest 2. From productivity-boosting features in an immersive office free of distractions and not limited by physical desk space, to using VR to collaborate and work as if you were in the same room, working remotely doesn't mean anything. Today, the capabilities of the metaverse are limitless as we take further advantage of the metaverse's ability to help people work better and do more.

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Upgrade Your Work Experience:
We’re not talking about your past experiences, but about the experience you could have now working on a metaverse platform.

Socialtechnical System

A polished system map, which highlights the key social and technical components we deblackboxed in this project


In a Meeting

Expert Discussion

Georgetown Professor Meg Leta Jones, who is a recognized expert in communications and technology law, as well as the history of technology, joined us for a discussion on metaverse and remote work

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Technical Component

For full metaverse experience VR glasses are a necessary component. ​Here we de-blackbox the VR glasses  and discuss how they operate

Reading Books in Library

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated bibliography presents a list of the main resources that guided our research and helped to understand the potential implications of metaverse technology on remote work

This web-site is part of a group project for CCT 506: Fundamentals of Technology.

For any questions, please, refer to the About page where you can find contact information of all four project group members. 

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