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Expert Discussion

Associate Professor at Georgetown University Dr. Meg Leta Jones  kindly joined us for an engaging discussion about metaverse as a social technical system for virtual workspace. 

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Meg Leta Jones

An Associate Professor in the Communication, Culture & Technology program at Georgetown University.

Here is the Dr.Jones personal research page.

Bio & Research​

Meg is an Associate Professor in the Communication, Culture & Technology program at Georgetown University where she researches rules and technological change with a focus on privacy, memory, innovation, and automation in digital information and computing technologies. She’s also a core faculty member of the Science, Technology, and International Affairs program in Georgetown's School of Foreign Service, a faculty affiliate with the Institute for Technology Law & Policy at Georgetown Law Center, a faculty fellow at the Georgetown Ethics Lab, and visiting faculty at the Brussels Privacy Hub at Vrije Universiteit Brussel.


Meg’s research covers comparative information and communication technology law, critical information and data studies, governance of emerging technologies, and the legal history of technology. Ctrl+Z: The Right to be Forgotten, Meg’s first book, is about the social, legal, and technical issues surrounding digital oblivion. Her second book project, The Character of Consent: The History of Cookies and Future of Technology Policy, tells the transatlantic history of digital consent through the lens of a familiar technical object. She is also editing a volume with Amanda Levendowski called Feminist Cyberlaw that explores how gender, race, sexuality and disability shape cyberspace and the laws that govern it. More details about her work can be found at and



Communications and Technology Law, Data Governance, History of Technology, Information Privacy Law, International Technology Policy.

The discussion video

A brief edited version of our discussion with Dr. Meg Jones. We had a very engaging discussion about the broader implications of metaverse on the future of remote work, which lasted about 45 minutes. Here we we present a 7:30 min excerpt from the discussion. 

*Disclaimer: due to her professional stance on digital privacy legislation, Dr Jones's face is not presented in the video

Would you like to watch more? Please click the link below for the full video:

This web-site is part of a group project for CCT 506: Fundamentals of Technology.

For any questions, please, refer to the About page where you can find contact information of all four project group members. 

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