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Advocacy & Privacy

#laborunions #privacy

The value proposition of using virtual reality and Meta for employee engagement, collaboration, and building culture through the sense of community brought by adoption is irrefutable. A virtual reality meeting allows teams to feel as if they are communicating in person and combats the lack of personability that 2D Zoom meetings deliver. This technology is the closest thing to building bonds and increases the likelihood of proper interpretation of messages that are sometimes jeopardized through written communications. Virtual reality has the potential to allow any organization to positively impact and build on their culture to model cross-functional collaboration, creativity, innovation, flexibility, and dedicated focus on employee happiness – all while saving on hardware as the headsets have the same functionality as a computer with multiple screens. Team members can better interpret/analyze metrics and product roadmaps, focusing on excellence just like successful tech companies have e.g., Google, Facebook, and Apple.













Through the course of our research, we discovered that for the metaverse to be used as it’s intended, more individuals, teams, and organizations need to adopt. Privacy concerns are one of the largest shortcomings currently stifling furtherance. While transparency is one of the strongest tools to encourage adoption, we propose that employers advocate on behalf of their team members when executing contracts with providers of the virtual reality space. Organizations need to ensure that the statement of work when tailoring the services for their needs has provisions in place addressing privacy. When providing the value proposition to employees, one must disclose clear expectations of what information is being tracked to set in stone the cultural foundation of transparency. Labor unions could also use this technology as added fuel for advocating the rights of their employees. This would allow for all the desirable characteristics of high-performing tech organizations to be replicated and further enhanced. Proper implementation of the Meta would not only spark adoption, but create a wildfire of employee engagement, a sense of community, and position organizations for explosive growth. 



- Luis Castillo 

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

+1 703 888 6839

This web-site is part of a group project for CCT 506: Fundamentals of Technology.

For any questions, please, refer to the About page where you can find contact information of all four project group members. 

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